Our Services

Body Massage

Revitalize yourself by spending a day at the best therapy center in Dubai. Explore our different packages and experience the luxury you deserve. The magic of our oils and treatments is going to leave wanting more.

Body Massage

As one of the most trusted Massage Center in Dubai, we are committed to providing you with highly skilled therapists with over a decade of experience. Our Body Massage is one of the most requested packages as they’re an all-rounder service. It focuses on providing complete relaxation, relieving tense muscles, balancing the nervous system, and increasing blood flow.

Our therapist’s goal is to help your body to recover and heal from stress and overuse of muscles. She will achieve this by carefully concentrating on major muscle groups, working one by one from the nape of your neck, through your back, and up to your feet. It is known to increase body awareness and create a healthy balance between movement and regulation of blood pressure and heartbeat.

Our Body Massage is the best option if you want to relax in Dubai. It aims to correct any muscular tension or uneasiness you may be experiencing. Compared to other Therapy, Body Massage uses gentle and long strokes that work across the traps, neck, upper back, mid-back, lower back, and sciatic region.

You can expect to stay in treatment from 45 to 60 or 90 minutes. You can extend the duration up to 120 minutes.

Best massage center in Dubai


45 MIN

60 MIN

90 MIN

120 MIN







The benefits of receiving a body massage in Dubai are plenty. Our Body Massage gives you the following:

Reduced stress and increased relaxation
The gentle-pressured strokes help to balance the nervous system by improving blood circulation. The sensations you will receive from an experienced therapist are novel and help your body transition from a state of unease to calmness.

Improved immunity, energy, and alertness
Your blood vessels are at ease and can help your body flush toxins and prevent inflammation. Improved circulation with a relaxed mind results in improved immune function. With ideal blood flow and improved immunity, you will surely experience an energy boost throughout the following week. A Body Massage contributes to increased alertness in the brain if done regularly.

Reduced muscle soreness
Sore muscles are common after performing exercises such as lifting weights or after a high-intensity workout session. For some, soreness occurs even after light activities such as walking for 30 to 45 minutes. A Body Massage can address this discomfort by helping your body to relax and let go of strain. Visit our massage center in Dubai and experience the difference while performing your daily chores!

Increased blood circulation and lowered heartbeat rates
The brain and organs are at ease when the body and mind are relaxed. So, when our therapist starts the Therapy, you can feel your nervous system calming down, leading to improved blood flow throughout the body. When blood flow is optimal, your heartbeat is lowered.


A reputable and qualified therapist makes all the difference by transforming your pain and discomfort to ease and vitality. Not only do they make sure you have a satisfying experience, but they also see that the treatment is medically appropriate. For example, only a licensed therapist knows where to exert pressure and where not to on an injured athlete. This is important because the pressure on torn muscle tissue can worsen inflammation and pain and increase recovery time.

It is ideal to look for genuine reviews provided by clients to find and select the best massage center in Dubai. Wishah Spa is rated 5/5 by more than hundreds of clients within Dubai.


You can converse with any of our licensed therapists to understand which therapy will suit you best. Our therapist will ask you about pain or discomfort and suggest a treatment to help you manage these concerns.

You can choose any of our therapists based on whom you find comfortable addressing your concerns. If you are facing pain in your back or neck, you can select a Body Massage therapist; if you are facing sciatic pain, you can choose Thai or Russian therapy, and so on.

Our massage therapists are professionally trained and experienced and can help you choose the proper treatment in one consultation. A body massage in Dubai is ideal for a healthy individual facing mild discomfort, such as immobility in joints, muscle tension, and so on. But it may not be so for someone facing DOMS after lifting weights. In this case, a Thai therapy would be more beneficial for the client.